Our Staff

Britt Sutton

President and CEO

Sarah Jane Bryant

VP of Programs

Urban Artisans Program Director and Teaching Artist

Emily Compton

Amelia Engle

Outreach and Events Manager

Molly Wolfe

Gallery and Commissions Director and Teaching Artist

Laura Imbriano

Studio Manager

Our Teaching Artists

As well as,

Emily Compton, Molly Wolfe, Laura Imbriano, Beth Guipe Hall, David Kleeman, Laurie Cutsinger, and Beatriz Vasquez

Our Board

Andrew Stutzman


Manager, JLL Properties

Executive Board Members

Rachel Cerwinske

Vice Chair

Corporate Counsel, One Inc.

Kari Baker


CPA, Katz, Sapper, & Miller

Jessica Meek


Partner, Dentons

Christina Cheeks

Immediate Past Chair

Performance Improvement Consultant

Board Members

Duchess Adjei

Head of Global Marketing and Communications, Cummins Inc.

Johnson Simon

Artist and Disability Rights Activist

Adara Valdez

Associate Interpretation Planner, Newfields

Anusha Guzzar

CB Analyst, JP Morgan

Nayan Srivastava

Pediatrician, Community Hospital Network

Kylie Kaspar

Gift Officer, United Way of Central Indiana

Jacob Butz

Associate, Ice Miller

Jasmine Begeske, PhD

Clinical Instructor, Purdue University

Phil O'Malley

PDO Design & Beyond the Barnyard LLC

Advisory Council

Diane Seybert

Artist/ Business Owner, The Bungalow Inc.

Joyce Sommers

Former President of Indianapolis Art Center

Ron Lenz

Partner, Katz, Sapper & Miller LLP

Bruce Westphal

Community Activist and Business Owner

Ashley Remmich

Vice President of Banking, Wells Fargo

Allison Knudsen

Educator and Artist, MSD Wayne Township

Judy O'Bannon

Former First Lady of the State of Indiana

Honorary Board Member(s)